Commercial & retail tenancies
Published 8 April 2020
Proposed Government Mandatory Code
The Prime Minister has announced that the National Cabinet will this week formalise a mandatory code (Code) for commercial landlords and tenants. This Code will apply to businesses who are signed up for the JobKeeper program and have a turnover of less than $50M per annum.
The Prime Minister noted that the Code would be based on a 'proportionality principle' with turnover reduction of the tenant needing to be reflected in the rental waiver and deferral by the landlord. While the Prime Minister indicated that the Code would not be prescriptive, he did flag the potential for lease terms to be extended, and/or lease payments to be increased for the remainder of the lease term, to make up for revenue lost by the landlord.
The Prime Minster also made it clear that tenants not significantly affected by COVID-19 are expected to honour their lease agreements.
While details of the Code are yet to be confirmed, it is expected that the Code will include the following items:
Any Code will raise a number of significant issues for both landlords and tenants, as well as existing mortgagees.
Each of the State Governments are also likely to enact new laws either in accordance with, or in addition to, the Code. New South Wales and the ACT have already enacted their own laws following previous media announcements. This will also add a further layer of legal complexity for both landlords and tenants, particularly those with properties in multiple jurisdictions.
Leases to which the Code does not apply
Because of the non-application of the Code to businesses with turnover of more than $50M per annum or which are not signed up to the JobKeeper program, there will be landlords and tenants which will remain governed by the terms of their individual leases and the relevant legal principles which apply to those leases. The following legal principles will apply to most commercial and retail leases:
In the absence of a Government closure direction, landlords are required to keep buildings open for tenants to access their premises and maintain services to those premises, in accordance with the requirements of each lease. A failure to do so may expose the landlord to a claim by the tenant.
Tenants also need to consider the application in a lease of a positive obligation to trade if a tenant decides to close the premises.
Statements by tenants that they will not be paying rent due to COVID-19 eg recent statements by some major retail chains, are a clear breach of lease and may constitute repudiation entitling a landlord to terminate the lease and sue for damages.
Next steps
Each lease needs to be individually assessed to determine whether the Code applies to that lease, what are the practical and legal implications if the Code does / does not apply, and what actions are available to landlords and tenants to achieve appropriate outcomes.
STM will be able to provide you with the necessary financial data (if appropriate) to support your mediation process and can assist you with engaging a mediator. If you have further questions, please contact our office on 02 6024 1655 or email
We will be sending further information as it comes to light. Please contact us with any urgent queries.
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